84 ÚLTIMAS INSTRUCCIONES FINAL INSTRUCTIONS Ecoembes and the Valencia Marathon, a lasting partnership for recycling ECOEMBES AND THE VALENCIA MARATHON, A LASTING PARTNERSHIP FOR RECYCLING For the eighth year, the Valencia Marathon Trinidad Alfonso will count on Ecoembes as its partner in promoting the recycling of plastic containers, cans and cartons and paper and cardboard during the activities that will take place from 1st to 3rd December. The aim is simply to encourage runners and athletes in general to make the gesture of separating their packaging and depositing it in the corresponding container for recycling in any situation, both at the event and in their daily lives. As usual, Ecoembes will conduct its 'Run, Recycle and Breathe' campaign during the race weekend, which not only collects all the waste generated during the race, the runners' fair and parallel events, but also works to inform the public about the importance of recycling packaging materials correctly. Runners will find yellow bins next to the drinks stations where they can deposit plastic bottles and containers, cans and cartons, all of which will be transformed from waste into a resource once they are recycled. Similarly, there will be yellow and blue containers in the postfinish area, where an information point will be set up to raise awareness and answer any questions about waste recycling and allow runners to play recycling roulette. In which they are rewarded for correctly selecting which bin to put their waste in. More than 17,000 kilos of waste collected in 2022 In 2022, at a Valencia Marathon with more than 21,000 finishers, 11,550 kilograms of plastic packaging waste and 3,700 kilograms of paper and cardboard were collected, representing more than 15 tonnes of recycled waste. This avoided the emission of 3.27 tonnes of CO2, saved energy equivalent to the annual consumption of eleven two-person households and the daily water consumption of 1,050 people. Remember, cans, cartons and plastic containers should be put in the yellow bin. And even if they are dirty or small in size, they all can and should be recycled. And remember, boxes, cardboard packaging and paper should be placed in the blue bin. Do not worry if they are dirty or small in size as they will all be recycled.