65 ÚLTIMAS INSTRUCCIONES FINAL INSTRUCTIONS MEDAL ENGRAVING Si contrataste el servicio de grabación de la medalla, lo tendrás indicado en tu dorsal. Los servicios de grabación de medallas de finisher estarán ubicados en el guardarropa norte. No olvides llevar tu dorsal bien visible. Si no, en postmeta, una vez hayas finalizado la carrera, podrás abonarlo en el momento. If you have signed up for the medal engraving service, this will be indicated on your race bib. The finisher's medal engraving services will be located in the north bag drop-off area. Remember to wear your bib clearly visible. If not, you can pay on the spot in the post finish line area, once you have finished the race. GRABACION DE MEDALLAS 10€ PRECIO / PRICE PONCHOS Si has comprado el servicio de poncho, en la zona de postmeta encontrarás a voluntarios entregándolos. Si has adquirido el servicio de poncho irá señalizado en tu dorsal. If you have purchased the poncho service, you will find volunteers handing out ponchos at the post-finish area. If you have purchased the poncho service it will be marked on your race bib. PONCHOS No se podrán comprar ponchos el día de la carrera. It will not be possible to buy ponchos on the day of the race. !C R